An Exhibitor will receive an advance notice for his first and last payment, in order to ensure timely payment by the due date specified on his License Agreement by mail, email, or fax.
If an Exhibitor’s first payment is not received within 5 days following the due date, a $50 late fee will apply. If the first payment is not received within 15 days after the due date, the License Agreement will be cancelled and exhibit space reassigned.
If an Exhibitor’s final payment, Certificate of Insurance, and signed License Agreement are not received within five (5) days after due date specified on the Commercial Exhibits License Agreement, a $50 late fee will apply. Payments not received within 15 days of due date specified, may have Commercial Exhibits License Agreement cancelled, and any payment(s) made will be forfeited. Please see the “Dates to Remember” calendar for specific due dates. All late fees must be paid before the release of any Exhibitor credentials.