Home > COMMERCIAL > Commercial Vendors > Commercial Vendor Manual > INFLATABLES


Any item(s) or device(s) filled with air or gas and used within an Exhibitor’s outside exhibit space, whether for advertising/marketing purposes or actual display, must submit a picture of how they will be used for approval by the Commercial Exhibits Director. Pictures must be turned in by August 1 for approval. The decision of the Commercial Exhibits Coordinator will be final. Any inflatable approved must be anchored or tethered, so it remains within the exhibit space assigned at all times, keeping in mind the wind conditions. Any inflatable item that may interfere with overhead lines, other structures, or activities of the Fair will not be approved. Should any approved inflatable come loose and bring about damage to any other Exhibitor’s property, property of the Fair, or become tangled in overhead lines, etc., requiring the Fair to remove it, the Exhibitor will be responsible for any expenses incurred to repair damage(s), or remove from overhead lines. Small inflatable novelty items do not need prior approval but must be listed on the Exhibitor’s Space Rental Agreement.
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