Arrangement of an exhibit must be such as to not obstruct the view of exhibits on either side of your booth(s). A patron should be able to see all booths clearly from the end of the aisle. Exhibits must be acceptable and if deemed unsuitable by the Commercial Exhibits Coordinator and/or Building or Area Managers for any reason, the exhibit may be removed from the grounds without a refund. In such an instance, a written notice will be received by the Exhibitor from the Commercial Exhibits Coordinator. Space occupied by an Exhibitor must be as represented on the Commercial Exhibits Application and picture or sketch submitted and may be removed as stated above if deemed to be a misrepresentation. A new photo or sketch must be submitted for approval by August 1 for any changes to be made to exhibit space from what was originally submitted.
Backdrops for booth spaces will be no higher than 8', with the exception of Exhibitors located on outer walls. The side dividers are the responsibility of the Exhibitor, and can be no higher than 4', including any items that may be on a shelf, etc. Your display may be carried forward on the sides at a height not to exceed 8' and not to exceed half the distance from the rear of the booth forward alongside dividers. See Diagram on the following page for more detailed information.
Inside Exhibitors that have demonstrations, sampling, or have public participation, must provide a minimum of 3' at the front of their own exhibit space to accommodate this activity.
Exhibitors located on outer walls in exhibit buildings may exceed the 8' limit with prior approval, if the display does not interfere with emergency lighting required by the Kansas State Fire Marshal, but may not exceed 12' in height, or as approved.
An 8' curtain back drape is provided by the Fair in the Meadowlark, Pride of Kansas, and both Sunflower Buildings. The Kansas State Fair will supply an 8’ back drape in the Grandstand, where there is no wall, and only in the center section of the Eisenhower Building. While nothing may be attached to the drape itself, it is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to supply hooks, etc. for the purpose of hanging signs from the pipe used to display the back drape.
No items of any kind may be extended from or to the ceiling of a building or area of the license agreement space. Exhibitors must finish the back half of the booth so that exposed areas will not be objectionable to adjacent Exhibitors.
The Commercial Exhibit Department has final approval on interpretation and exceptions to booth layout. The decision of the Fair will be final. Please see the diagram on the following page and make adjustments based on your booth size. To determine the color of the back drapes for each building, please contact the Commercial Exhibits office.
All materials, fabrics, table coverings, etc. used in an exhibit must be flame resistant. For guidelines, see Fire Prevention Standards. Tables, chairs, and any other display items are the responsibility of the Exhibitor and shall comply with all appropriate regulations and guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). No painting is allowed on any walls or floors of an assigned space. Exhibitors are not allowed to suspend any items from the ceilings in the exhibit buildings.
All tables used at the front of an Exhibitor’s booth should be neat and clean at all times. If items are stored under this table, the table must be skirted to the floor so items are not visible to the public. Supply and storage boxes must also be maintained so they are not visible to the public from the front of an Exhibitor’s booth or must be maintained on shelving in an orderly fashion and must adhere to the height and side guidelines established.
Pole/Pop-Up Tents-Inside Exhibit Buildings
Placement of pole/pop-up tents will be along outer walls, as permits, and must adhere to side restrictions and not interfere with any emergency lighting as stipulated in these guidelines. If space is assigned in an interior location, the following restrictions may apply. The decision of the Fair will be final.
- No canopy on top portion of frame
- If signs are placed on frame poles, they must be placed starting at the 8' height at center or sides, keeping in mind booth design as indicated under the topic ‘Inside Exhibit Booth Space’ guidelines (i.e. - cannot place sign from a side pole that would obstruct sight line.)