Commercial Vendors
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Commercial Vendors

If you're looking to showcase your business, serve your own deep-fried delicacies, or provide requested products or services to our commercial vendors and concessionaires during the 2025 Kansas State Fair, you must apply! Our applications will open January 13, 2025.

To become a Commercial Exhibitor or a Service Vendor, you must commit to participating in all ten days of the Fair, which runs from September 5 to September 14, 2025.

The Kansas State Fair offers TWO types of vendors. Please make sure to complete the correct application and submit all required documentation. The most common application is for a Commercial Exhibitor, who sell or display products. Meanwhile, Service Vendors provide services to Commercial Exhibitors, such as tables, chairs, tents, or items used in concession trailers.

Commercial Exhibitor (Vendor)

A Commercial Exhibitor (Vendor) is defined as anyone who wishes to display or sell products. The Commercial Exhibitor application includes Food Concessions, Non-Food Exhibits, and Rides or Attractions. Please note that any incomplete applications will not be processed or considered.

Exhibitors are required to occupy and staff their booth space throughout all 10 days of the State Fair, in accordance with the Exhibitor Hours outlined in the Commercial Exhibits Manual.

Service Vendor

If you would like to offer a product or service to our individual exhibitors or supplies for Concessionaires (food, beverages, paper products, etc.) please complete the Service Vendor Application. You can find this application under "Service Vendors." The Service Vendor process began in November 2024. We begin looking at new applications in December, new Service Vendors are accepted, our list will be updates to keep current.


A Vendor or Concessionaire that participated in the 2024 Kansas State Fair is not guaranteed a License Agreement for the following year's Fair. The Fair reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse to offer a License Agreement to any exhibitor or concessionaire when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Fair and its patrons.

License Agreements are issued each year in January, based on the same company or individual, locations, and products/items from the previous year. If there are any changes to the company name or requests to change locations, a Change Request Form (available approximately March 3, 2025) must be submitted for approval. Requests for additional space, or a location change will be reviewed by the Commercial Exhibits Committee, based on available space and items offered.

In the event a space should need to be changed, eliminated, or rearranged for any reason, the space for the affected Exhibitor may be reassigned by the Commercial Exhibits Committee as deemed appropriate.

You're almost ready to start your application - but before you do, keep these things in mind:

  • It's 10 straight days of fun! You and your team are required to operate and staff your location all 10 days - rain or shine.
  • With more than 330,000 guests at the 2024 Kansas State Fair, you'll need the capacity to provide products or be able to serve large numbers of Fairgoers. (Creating dishes quickly and efficiently is expected to maximize our guest experiences.)
  • You are joining a family unlike any other! You will not only have the support of the State Fair, but you'll also have other Exhibitor's and concessionaires who will help with advice, feedback and friendships like no other. A part of why we have so many Exhibitors' and Concessionaire's return year after year.

If you wish to provide a product or service to our individual exhibitors or concessionaires during the Kansas State Fair, please visit our Service Vendors section.

Service Vendors
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