Expo Center Rentals
Want to practice in an indoor arena? We are opening the Expo Center for individual practice times by reservations only. Time slots of up to 4 hours for $75!
- Payment must be made prior to riders taking
possession of the Expo Center.
- Each rider must complete a waiver for each rider and return by email or in person with a Credit Card for incidentals.
- No trash left in building - Please leave the Expo Center as you find it
- No stalls or heaters are available.
- Arena will be worked if time allows, prior to use, rakes will be available for rework as needed. Missing equipment, including rakes, will be
charged back to individual renting the facility.
- Instructions will be sent when building is rented (lights, door use, key pick up, etc)
- Maximum of four (4) families not to exceed six (6) riders for each reservation (groups larger than this will be subject to additional
rental fees and terms)
- Restrooms facilities are available.
- Days available will be updated as reservations come in
as soon as possible. Building rentals will supersede practice reservations.
We will try and give a 24-hour notice if cancelation occurs.