The Kansas State Fair is a place of awe and wonder. Buildings filled with their favorite animals—and specialty exhibits geared for young students—make the Kansas State Fair an ideal place to plant lasting ideas in the fertile ground of your students’ minds. Come visit the education center for some hands-on crafts, fun activities, Dr. Goddard's Lab, and our new reading nook. We are happy to help you craft an exciting outing for your students or you can visit the links below for games and lesson plans to use on your visit.
Students have access to countless ways to participate in the fair, from just watching to fully participating. Here are just a few ideas to get your kids involved:
- Enter a drawing or painting into our school art competition.
- Visit the birthing center and hopefully, see a new piglet or calf.
- Watch the high school marching band play throughout the fairgrounds.
- Stroll through Agriland in the Pride of Kansas building and even drive a combine or get weighed on a livestock scale.
- Find the KDHE Mobile Lab featuring hands-on science experiences in areas such as biology, animal science and environmental science.
Field trips are available this year from
Monday, September 8 through Friday, September 12th, 2025. Student admissions are discounted to $3 each and for every 4 students registered, 1 adult chaperone is admitted for free. You may bring food for your students, and we will keep it safe in our Encampment Building until it is time to eat. This year, we have designated an outdoor, shady spot for your class to eat together.
Register your class for a fair-time field trip here:
Field Trip Registration Form