What the judge looks for in rabbits:
A properly balanced rabbit that is also uniform in weight.
Straight front and hind legs.
Good overall physical condition (cleanliness, health).
Good fur texture and exceptional fur quality.
All markings that are correctly positioned on each breed.
Eyes and toenails that are the proper color, depending on breed.
A meaty loin on Commercial Breeds.
What the judge looks for in the show ring:
A good exhibitor is polite and courteous to other exhibitors and pays attention to both the animal and to the judge at all times.
Showmanship includes general appearance, especially cleanliness of the animal and the exhibitors ability to control and pose the animal during judging.
Each exhibitor brings his/her rabbit to the show table, where the judge examines each animal.
Rabbits are grouped into classes for judging purposes (Junior Buck, New Zealand, White).
There is a winner from each class. The judge selects the breed champion from the winners of the classes.
Buck: a male rabbit
Doe: a female rabbit
Junior: a rabbit younger than 6 months
Intermediate: a rabbit between 6-8 months
Little Know Facts About Rabbits
- Rabbits...were first domesticated by man in Africa.
were first considered for food in Asia 3,000 years ago.
have been marketed in Europe for well over 1,000 years.
are eaten by the inhabitants of all the continents.
are a valuable agriculture animal and not just pets.
are used for meat, fur, wool, medical products, novelties, and fertilizer
are one of the highest nutritional meats available.
show a larger pound of gain for pound of feed than any other animal.
have a 30-32 day gestation period.
can be bred all year round.
- Each rabbit will show a profit from $12.00 to $20.00 depending on factors.
- The wool of a rabbit is lighter and warmer than any other known.
- Up to 93% of the rabbit can be used.
- Only 7% to 8% of domestic rabbit is bone.
- Domestic rabbits have no communicable disease injurious to humans.
- A Doe and litter may be kept in a space 30" by 36" with comfort.
- Baby rabbits will double their weight in six days compared to 14-47 days for other meat animals.
- Does have been known to kindle as many as 23 young.
- The largest rabbit on record weighed 23 lbs. Another was reported up to 26 lbs.
You give it a try and see how your placings compare to the judges (fill in the exhibitors number):
Your Choice
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
Judges Decision
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place